Friday, February 17, 2012

Tabloid Sports

What a great day was had by all and we were lucky enough that the weather held off for us, in fact it almost got a little too hot! This year we had a range of fun new games from the classic egg and spoon race to polka dot goals and games with wet sponges. We worked together as a team to get points and helped the juniors. But the highlight was at the end of the day when each of the middle and senior classes went head to head in a tug of war competition. We had practised some techniques of counting one, two, three pull and standing on alternate sides of the rope but Room 10 were just too strong for us!


  1. Good try at the tug of war Room 11. What was it like when you started to get tired? I hope you win next year.

  2. it was so hard but we keep on trying we also kept practicing rhiannon from room11.
