Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bean seed experiment

Thanks to our wonderful Techsperxs Amelia and Eva who brought their knowledge back to our classroom to share with us how to use the trailer part of the imovie app we were able to make a trailer about our science experiment. Amelia and Eva taught Oliver and Saphyre how to use the programme to create the video below.

What do you like about it?
Have you ever used the trailer imovie app before?
What have you created from it?


  1. To room 9
    What an interesting way of showing your learning.
    First of all I like the choice of music and how you get your main point across at the end of every shot. I also notice that when you start a different shot or picture..the music starts with a big bang or the sound goes much louder for a sec. I have never used this app. great job! keep up the awesome learning! :)

    From Sary: (Amelias mum)

    1. To Sary,
      Thank you for the comment we enjoyed making the imovie to share our learning with you.
      What would your hypothesis be? What bean test do you think will grow the tallest?
      We will let you know once you have made your hypothesis.
      From Room 9

    2. To Room 9
      well...my hypothesis is with test 3. I will go with test 3 because...some plants don't need air to grow...I notice that it had a plastic cover on top of it, with the heat on it, it will produce moisture that will feed the plant. so...am I right? :)

    3. Sorry, the above reply was from sary :)

  2. Room 9
    That was awesome. We thought we were at the movies when we heard the music. The movie was really fast and some of us could not read fast enough! Lucky Mrs Scott can read fast. We all liked the idea of a trailer because it makes the people who did the movie more important BUT it didn't stay on the screen for long enough and then it was gone!
    Great work Room 9!

    1. To Room 2,
      Thank you for the comment we really enjoyed making the trailer. We are glad that Mrs Scott could read it for you because we can't slow it down that is the trailer template that sets the speed.
      Have you ever used imovies before? If so what have you used it for? If not would you like to learn? We could always come and teach you. What would you like to make an imovie about?
      From Room 9

  3. what a great job there Eva and Amelia how did you make it guys? can you please tell me how to it make Eva Amelia.
    From Gemma

  4. To Gemma,
    We can teach you how to make an imovie trailer. What do you want to make it about?
    From Eva and Amelia

  5. To Amelia and Eva
    That is a very cool movie I enjoyed it lots very cool
    From Ella
