Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sofia and Rhiannon's Jump Jam video

This is our jump jam team... Vardon Black Eyed Peas!


  1. Hi Sofia.
    Wow... you should be so proud of your hard work with learning this jump jam routine! You perserved to perform with BIG actions and to do your very best acting, sinigng and smiling at the same time! You should be very proud!
    Mrs N :)
    (What do the rest of Room 11 think?)

  2. Hi Rhiannon
    You should also be so proud of what you have achieved in jump jam! You worked so hard to perform with BIG moves and also to stay in time to the beat of the music!!
    You should be very proud of your hard work!
    Mrs N :)

  3. I am proud of my Jump Jam I am proud of smiling in the whole Jump Jam routine. Mrs Natush:)

  4. I am proud of doing my pump's big and in time Mrs Natush:) Rhiannon.

  5. What a great accomplishment girls! It is easy to do Jump Jam by yourself but you have worked extremely hard to keep in time and keep your moves the same as the rest of the team. Good luck for the rest of the competition.
    Mrs Scott

  6. Thanks Mrs Scott I can not wait until we go to Auckland I am so excited.

  7. Thank's Mrs Scott I will keep my moves up with the rest of my team Mrs Scott.
    From sofia.

  8. You did really well with perserverance.
    by Finlay
