Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Personality Types

On Friday we learnt about our personalities and how we are all unique and special there is only one of us!
But we discovered that with a whole class of different personalities, getting along together can sometimes be difficult.
First we looked at some different cards there was a red heart for the carer, a green square for the safekeeper (the organiser), a blue triangle for the analysers and a yellow circle for the players (the ones that like surprises and take risks).
It was interesting to discover that we have a lot of caring people in our class and a lot that like to make impulsive decisions.
As a class we talked about how different personalities can sometimes annoy others. If a blue analyser was working with  red carer giving feedback on each others work a carer might not want to hurt the analysers feelings and not give very helpful feedback because they want to be nice to the people in their class. But the analyser could become frustrated that they are not giving them honest and helpful feedback to improve their work. Likewise the analyser wouldn't think about the feelings of the carer as much and give them their honest opinion about the carer's work and this could hurt the feelings of the carer if it is not all warm fuzzies.
We also looked at how the safekeepers (the organisers) and the players can often frustrate each other. Safekeepers like there to be an order and to have thought out how things are going to work and often have lists to get jobs done but we could all see how someone who changes decisions at the last minute could annoy the safekeepers.
As a class we had a dicusssion around what the purpose of finding out more about our personalities was and below you can check out what we had to say.


1 comment:

  1. Cool. I think I'm a red heart with a bit of blue triangle thrown in there too. Maybe Kayley's little brother will be a yellow circle....?
