Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wrap Free Wednesday

We are an Enviro School and every Wednesday we have a whole school challenge to see which class can bring the least number of wraps to school. We look inside the lunchboxes and tally up how many wrappers we have as a class and how many are completely wrap free then we can work out the percentage of wrap free lunch boxes in our class.

Today was the first challenge back for 2014 so we have got some work to do to remember to reduce the number of wraps we bring. We looked at the lunch boxes that were wrap free and could see that they used snap lock bags to keep their sandwiches safe from any leakages and instead of using gladwrap because we can reuse the snap lock bags.
We hope that next week we can improve our score and have more wrap free lunch boxes and less wraps in total.

NOTE: Weiyi is missing from the photo but he was wrap free too.

What are some helpful tips you could share to help us become wrap free?
What do you think the benefits are of being wrap free?


  1. Hi room 9
    Why not tally chart how many times the wrap free people can stay wrap free
    From Cloe

  2. To Cloe,
    Great idea Cloe I wonder if the wrap free people can stay wrap free. It will also be a good way to practice our statistics as we move on to look at addition and subtraction.
    From Mrs Head
