Saturday, March 15, 2014

Survivor Challenge-PE

This week our challenge was to work as a team to keep the balloon up off the ground. The challenge was at different times Mrs Head would call out a body part and we could only use our elbows, noses, ears, bottoms etc to keep the balloon up. This made it trickier than just using our hands like normal and we really had to work as a team to avoid all of us just watching the balloon fall to the ground or to share the balloon around the group to make sure everyone was participating. There were a few arguments and the team that won the challenge (Golden Bell Tui's) and the team that had the best teamwork (Lightening Strikes) worked together to share the balloon around, make calls as to who would grab it and huddled tightly together so the balloon had less risk of touching the ground.
After our challenge we had a discussion around what made these teams successful and every team is going to try extra hard next week to work together as a TEAM so that their team can earn the most points.

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